Friday, August 27, 2010

A Day with Kay

Today we spent the day with Aunt Kay. We spent the afternoon at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science followed by dinner at California Pizza Kitchen.

Here is Aunt Kay holding Addy after a diaper change. They are both happy that Addy has clean pants on.

We checked out the view of the city from outside the museum. Here is Kay holding Addy.

They tie-dye Addy is wearing was made by Aunt Kay several years ago. It was originally made for Evie, then worn by Felix before being given to Addy.

After dinner we came home and got ready for bed, but first a couple more picture with Aunt Kay.

They just love looking at each other.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

5 Weeks

Here is Adelaide at 5 weeks.

After our regular photo shoot, I had to get a picture of Rox and Addy together.

Rox wanted a shot of me and Adelaide, too.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Aunt Kay Visits

Aunt Kay came to visit on her way back to school. She spent a week here in Denver and split her time between our house and Viki's.

Here is Addy sleeping on Aunt Kay's chest.

Mama Rox and Addy doing their favorite thing together.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


She just looks so angelic when she's sleeping, I can't help taking a picture of her.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Brett's Birthday

On Friday, Brett turned 18, and we had a family birthday dinner to celebrate.

Here is Brett getting ready to blow out the candles on his birthday cake.

Brett received a Garmin from his mom TJ to go with his new car.

Here is Brett trying to get his new GPS set up.

A group of us played a board game after dinner.

Brett hung out with Addy while everyone else played Ticket to Ride.
Aunty Viki came over this morning with her friend Rick to move more of her furniture out of the basement. She had more room in her apartment than she thought.

Here is Rick holding Addy

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baby Proofing

We spent our Saturday getting ready for the adoption home visit and baby proofing our house. We underestimated how long each project would take. We changed out some outlets, put new outlet covers on some outlets and put plugs in the rest of the outlets. We also put cabinet locks on all of the under-the-sink cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms, as well as a lock on the linen closet.

Here are the tools we used throughout the day scattered on the floor.

Roxanne's big project, which took just under 3 hours, was installing the baby gate. Between the leveling and trying to line everything up, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. In the end we have a working baby gate at the top of the stairs that I don't think will ever come off.

While Rox and I were working hard on baby proofing, our angel slept in her bed. She still is not able to roll over or really move around, but by the time she is mobile, we want all of this stuff already in place.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Package from Den Haag

My wonderful sister, Elizabeth, sent us a package today. We all got some wonderful treats. The package included a bouncy seat for Addy, a baby food portioner, Dutch chocolate, and a Dutch treat for new babies.

Here Addy is enjoying the bouncy seat. She loves being able to sit and watch us.

Here is a picture of the treats before we ate them. We spread butter on the cracker and put the pink and white sprinkles on top of that.

Here is Rox eating her treat.

Here I am enjoying my treat.

Rox only ate about half of her treat, she said that it was too sweet. She prefers potatoes to candy, so I finished the other half. The pink and white sprinkles are candy covered anise seeds. When I first tried the sprinkles I thought it tasted like mini Good-N-Plenty's, needless to say I really like the Dutch new baby treat.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

4 Weeks

Here's Addy in the same outfit in the same spot at 4 weeks of age.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Visiting Aunty Viki

Addy and I went to visit Aunty Viki at her new apartment, which is about 45 minutes away from our house. It's a nice apartment with two bedrooms and a living room between them.

Amaya and Kanoa were excited to play with Addy. Here are the three of them enjoying each other's company.

Amaya loves holding her little cousin Adelaide. Addy likes the attention she gets from Amaya.

Here is Amaya in her room. Amaya's half of the room is all set up, organized and decorated. She seems to really like her new home.

Kanoa's side of the room isn't quit done yet. Here he is surrounded by all his stuff. He and Vik were talking about how he wanted his side of the room decorated. Kanoa said that it didn't matter to him as long as it was a surprise.

Uncle Joey came over to Vik's for dinner. Here he and Kanoa are loving on Addy.

Kanoa and Joey were playing and Kanoa ended up flying around the apartment in Joey's shirt. They were having so much fun.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday At Grandma Miyo's House

This Sunday we went over to Grandma Miyo to help Aunty TJ and Grandma Sandy clean out one of the bedrooms. While everyone else was cleaning, Addy and I took a very long nap. When Addy woke up, she was in a great mood.

Here is Grandma Sandy burping Addy.

Aunty TJ came over and had to play with Addy's little piggies.

Then Aunty TJ had to blow raspberries on Addy's belly.

After cleaning all afternoon, we decided to go out to dinner. It was Adelaide's first time at a restaurant for dinner. We ate at Mimi's Cafe and Addy spent the majority of our time there eating as well. I know that I will get better at feeding her in public, but I think it went well for our first time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

3 Weeks

Here is Addy at 3 weeks of age. She is asleep, but in the usual outfit in the usual spot.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lazy Sunday

This Sunday, we decided to hang around the house and spend time with our beautiful daughter.

Here is Mama Rox and Addy hanging out on the couch just loving each other. I love Addy's little smile.

Here's me and Addy just loving each other.

Adelaide fell asleep and Rox wrapped her us in her Spidie blanket. Addy likes to sleep with her hands up and outside the blankets.

We were so excited that Addy was able to find her thumb.

But then she moved her hand and lost it again. Perhaps she will figure out the whole thumb sucking thing soon.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


We went over to Grandma Sandy and Papa Scott's house. While we were there, the girls from next door came over to meet the baby. They were very excited to see hold Adelaide.

Here is Alexis holding Addy.

Adelaide started to get a little hungry and fussy while Alexis was holding her.

Here is Andrea holding Addy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

2 Weeks

Adelaide is officially 2 weeks old today. We took her picture in the same outfit, in the same spot in her bedroom. We went to the doctor's office yesterday and she gained some weight and grew in length, too. She is now 7 lb., 8.5 oz. which is the 28th percentile and her height is in the 56th percentile.

Addy is starting to get bigger, but mostly we are seeing changes in her head and face.

Here is Mama Rox giving Adelaide some love.

Here I am with Addy. You can see a bandage on her right foot where they took blood at her doctor's appointment. I couldn't handle watching her getting poked, so Roxanne went in with her to get blood.

Later that day Aunty Vik came over with Amaya to pick some stuff up for her new apartment. This is the first picture we have of Addy and Aunty Vik together.

Here is Amaya holding Addy, they seem to like each other.