Today Addy had her 2 month check up. We decided to document all the things they did.
Addy was changed out of her outfit and stayed in just a diaper. We wrapped her up in a blanket to make sure she didn't get too cold.
Her whole body was checked over.
Her head circumference was measured to be 15.16" (51%).
Addy was put on the scale and she weighed 11 pounds and 2 ounces (67%).
She was then put on a table to measure her length. By this point, Addy was not enjoying herself and started crying again. She is now 1' 10.24" (54%).
Here is Roxanne soothing her as they measure her heart rate and breathing. They were still high from all of the crying she did, so it was redone a little later while she was nursing. At that time her pulse was 110. They also took her temperature rectally, which we did not photograph, and found that her temperature was 98.6 degrees. At the end of the appointment, Addy got shots and cried harder than I have ever heard her cry. I have to admit that I cried too, and picked her up and cuddled her. I think I was more traumatized by her getting shots than she was. A few minutes after her shots, she was nursing and totally fine. I was still upset about it when I went to sleep that night.