We had another ultrasound to make sure that the baby is developing normally and getting bigger. Based on the measurements, Zuki is 4 lbs. and 5 oz., at this rate by week 40 I am looking at delivering an 8 lb. baby. She is currently between the 50th and 75th percentile for her size.

This is the typical ultrasound picture that is kind of hard to see. The doctor says that this is a profile of the baby with her mouth wide open.

Here is a 3-D ultrasound picture of our daughter, I think she might have my nose.

Here is Zuki sucking on her hand.

And this is my favorite 3-D ultrasound picture where she looks like she is blowing us a kiss. She is probably just sucking, but she looks very cute. I can't wait to meet her.
Ok, first off, I check this blog every day and I'm annoyed that, for whatever reason, my computer waited 1.5 weeks to show me this new entry!!! But, I'm over it :) YAY for these beautiful pictures!!! I am so excited to meet the newest little lady of the family! You can tell that her eye lids are just starting to separate - that is soooo cool!! Miss you bunches and sending the whole family lots and lots of love! xoxoxo