Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday At Grandma Miyo's House

This Sunday we went over to Grandma Miyo to help Aunty TJ and Grandma Sandy clean out one of the bedrooms. While everyone else was cleaning, Addy and I took a very long nap. When Addy woke up, she was in a great mood.

Here is Grandma Sandy burping Addy.

Aunty TJ came over and had to play with Addy's little piggies.

Then Aunty TJ had to blow raspberries on Addy's belly.

After cleaning all afternoon, we decided to go out to dinner. It was Adelaide's first time at a restaurant for dinner. We ate at Mimi's Cafe and Addy spent the majority of our time there eating as well. I know that I will get better at feeding her in public, but I think it went well for our first time.


  1. Who can resist toes and bellies? Yay for waking happy after a nap. ^_^

  2. Sounds wonderful! It looks like is getting so big already! Xxx
